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  4. Control Execution flow of Sequence
  5. Hyperlink Generator Script

Hyperlink Generator Script

Login into system with User 5 which is an Admin user and perform the following steps:

  1. Create a page by following the same steps given in the Execution of the Sequence step.
  2. Enter [sequencer type = “hyperlink”] in the page body. 
  3. Enter landing-page-URL in the page’s link as shown below in the screenshot.
  4. Click on the Publish button to save changes.
  5. Now, login with User 1-5 and navigate into the Sequence Editor screen and you will be displayed with the saved Sequence.
  6. Click on the Configure link for any Form or Custom step.
  7. Click on the Generate Hyperlink Script label.
  8. Click on the Copy label to copy the displayed script.
  9. A success message will be displayed on being copied as shown in the below screenshot.
  10. Create new or edit an HTML page on your system and paste the copied script into it.
  11. Open that HTML page and the form will be displayed to you in an iframe.